Are you building a life you love to live in?
Helping others discover joy in their own lives is what I am passionate about
Systems and joy are my jam! I have built a life I love to live in amid challenging circumstances, not despite them, using my expertise in systems creation and joy and I have a personal mission to help others do the same. Thank you for joining me here to learn more about how to discover joy more abundantly in the in your life, regardless of the current circumstances.
“The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives” - Russell M. Nelson
I want to help you refocus, make subtle tweaks really, that make all the difference to bring joy into the forefront of your view.
I am THRILLED to announce a children’s book that I have authored in partnership with illustrators Natalie Seaton and Reese Freedlund titled Finding Joy. It is the first title from Discover Joy Publishing – continuing my commitment to help others discover joy in their lives. This title focuses on little ones (and the caregivers reading to them). It’s never too early to learn how to find joy, especially when life doesn’t go as planned.
- “you can do hard things”: how to use the footnotes
- joy muscles and how to build them
- choosing joy and why it’s a choice
- discovering joy after loss
- Caregiver support
- Discover joy. workshops
- Team collaboration
- Executive retreat